Merge subnet lists

May 10, 2023, 11:34 pm python subnet cidr merge

This is a small python snippet to merge multiple subnet lists mixed with single ip addresses and CIDRs.

netaddr module required, install it with "pip install netaddr".

Usage: python merge1.txt merge2.txt etc.

from netaddr import cidr_merge
import sys

if __name__ == "__main__":


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This little code snippet is the base of my Netbox Webhook Listener written in APIFlask. APIFlask is a package which based on Flask but specialized on REST API.

Github Gist: Netbox Webhook Listener written with APIFlask

APIFlask Documentation


import hmac
from apiflask import APIFlask

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I have written a short script to sync devices to CheckMK when they get an IP adress in Netbox.

Sources: lanbugs/netbox-scripts @GibHub

Quick manual

Files & Netbox user

Place the file in /etc/netbox/scripts folder or in case of docker in ./scripts in the docker root of netbox. You need a use...

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dnsq - Tool to check DNS zones syncronity

December 14, 2022, 10:26 pm dns go

This is my first GO project to learn the programming language :-)


What can dnsq do for you?

dnsq has several options to check with the SOA serial if the replication of zones are completed.

You can predefine a config.yml or several config.yml files in the program folder to define the nameserv...

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To parse outputs of commands in Ansible you can use TEXTFSM. You need to install textfsm with pip.

TEXTFSM is a template based parser for commandline outputs.

Install of the required packages
python -m virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install ansible ansible-pylibssh textfsm

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